Romuald et PJ

Romuald et PJ

Romuald et PJ
Caluire-et-Cuire, France
Romuald&Pj is a both artistic project. Romuald is artist. Pierre-Jean is muse, model and curator. Their approach and their productions are constantly a brainstorming. Each brings his obsessions, his competences in the project. The work is intended turbulent and protean. They are working to make the vision of the world and the history of art, shifted, irreverent and singular. Their concern is humanistic in XV Century sense: Man at the center of artistic inquiry. However, this interest is (re)presented in a contemporary desire to formal, social and political.
Romuald&Pj are the instigators of the Artophilia project, the association which spreads other artists through collective shows.
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